Recipes & Products for Healthy Skin

Posts tagged ‘clay’

The Most Popular Clays: #3 Fullers Earth Clay

If your skin is oily or blemished, you will benefit greatly from Fullers Earth Clay.

Many say that Fullers Earth clay, also know as Multani Mitti Clay or Indian Fuller Earth Clay, is the best clay for oily skin and of course, they’re right.  In addition to sucking up excess oil, it effectively absorbs the impurities in your skin and excels at deep cleaning oily, acne-prone skin (NOTE:  If your skin is sensitive or dry please use French Green Clay).  (more…)

A series on clays

Clay has been used around the world for centuries by indigenous people as an important medicinal and cosmetic tool. Recently, medical research has emerged which supports the efficacy of clay, and it is now becoming increasingly popular as a rediscovered treatment for many different health and skincare conditions. Externally, clays are used to absorb excess oil, dirt, and toxins from the skin while simultaneously exfoliating and improving skin circulation. Internally it has some wonderful uses too.

We will be starting the new year and our new blog off with a series dedicated to our most favorite skin care ingredient: Clay!

Enjoy the recipes!

The Most Popular Clays: #1 Bentonite Clay

Bentonite Clay
Bentonite clay (also known as Montmorillonite) is an edible clay from naturally occurring volcanic ash sediments, and contains over 70 trace minerals.  This clay is one of the most effective and powerful healing clays used to treat both internal and external maladies. Externally, Bentonite is used as a clay poultice, mud pack, in the bath, and in skin care recipes.  Bentonite clay has the ability to absorb toxins (hooray!!), impurities, heavy metals and other contaminants from the body, and is ingested to treat mineral deficiencies, anemia, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, intestinal problems, hemorrhoids, and for general organ health.
